How to Make mendoan !


Mendoan is special food from Purwokerto. Mendoan derived from a word “mendo” it meaning is half-fiedget. So easy how to make mendoan, you need some materials to make it.

The materials you must be prepared are :

  1. Tempe 300gr, slices tempe to thin
  2. 2 green union
  3. 100gr ricefrour
  4. One spoon for wheat flour
  5. 125ml water
  6. Oil to fry mendoan
  7. Garlic and red onion
  8. One spoon for coriender
  9. Half spoon for papper
  10. Two spoon for salt

First, mix wheat flour and riceflour, put the marinade also sliced a delicated stem union leaves. Stir until evenly distributed, after that dip chunks of tempe into oil that has been heated until all dough is coveres temper. Fry the tempe mendoan until the flour looks yellowish. Once cooked, lift it and then drain.

Mendoan is ready served !