

hello all, i will compare two university in bandung

the first one is politechnic telkom (poltec) and the second one is institute technology telkom (itt) bandung.
maybe, politechinic telkom not better than ITT, because in ITT has six faculty but in poltec just have 3 faculty.
if look for build, itt have more 3 building but poltec just one building so itt more better than poltec.

but poltec have many excellence than itt one of them is in all class have 2 AC its make comfortable student to study than in ITT.
in ITT has a mosque but poltec not have them. 
if look for parking area in poltec and itt so have different, in poltec used parking card while itt used STNK
but im choice collage in poltec because in poltec not very busy than itt and in poltec has long holiday than itt. it is many factor why im choice poltec, hehehe ..