

tone your guitar start from D



Alarm flowchart


sometimes people so busy with the activities and he dosnt to sleep,
so he cant wake up to do activities as usual but not few people to wake up not late,
one of way a person to wake up is turn on the alarm such as flowchart above wich i will describe.
first, before we sleep, setting the alarm clock our need to wake up.
when ring the alarm you can choose yes/no to wake up.
if you choose no so you can hit the snooze button and alarm would ring again when after 5 minute.
after that you can choose Yes/no again .
now if you choose Yes so you can wake up and to do the activities

Mediation Flowchart


Many ways people beings in overcoming problems, one through court. If the problem had can ‘ t finish by deliberation probablly better news settled in court.
As for a process must went in first on the trial antecedent spoke at both sides, judge obliging both parties to perform the process of mediation
after that the process of selection mediatory and do musyawarah to find the common ground if has reached the common ground our problems are resolved,
but if no the common ground it will be continued with the mediation to 2 where the processes nearly as with mediating 1
but if in the process of mediation to 2 has not meet the common ground and judge must decide the matter.

flowchart text

How many wayImage to buy something so easy after expanding IT world. You can buy something without visit the market. If you want to buy something in online shop the first step is you must select version to buy, pay by credit or PO ? if you choose PO the next step is submit something to PO after that you accept the receive invoice and next you accept receive confirmation email after that you must register your product, but if you choose credit card the next step is click checkout button in your choose product and then you need enter order details for your product after that you accept confirmation email and the last you must register you product and you finished buy with online shop.


This is comparison smart phone with iphone vs captivate models. Iphone si model from apple but captivate from Samsung, both of them so compete in IT world. This smart phone has the same processor speed and camera, video quality its so good. But in memory maybe iphone is better than captivate because in captivate just has 8GB memory but iphone has 16 until 32GB. But Samsung has wider screen than iphone, with resolution 480X800 pixels for Samsung captivate and 640X960 pixels, so apple has better resolution than Samsung captivate. Actually this smartphone almost the same fiture, among other is WIFI,GPS,Bluetooth,video recording quality, and anything .

If look from the strong battery, iphone is better than Samsung captivate. Iphone can talk time until 7 hours but captivate just 6 hours talk time. Overall iphone definitely better than Samsung captivate. The price was more expensive too.

comperative text



hello all, i will compare two university in bandung

the first one is politechnic telkom (poltec) and the second one is institute technology telkom (itt) bandung.
maybe, politechinic telkom not better than ITT, because in ITT has six faculty but in poltec just have 3 faculty.
if look for build, itt have more 3 building but poltec just one building so itt more better than poltec.

but poltec have many excellence than itt one of them is in all class have 2 AC its make comfortable student to study than in ITT.
in ITT has a mosque but poltec not have them. 
if look for parking area in poltec and itt so have different, in poltec used parking card while itt used STNK
but im choice collage in poltec because in poltec not very busy than itt and in poltec has long holiday than itt. it is many factor why im choice poltec, hehehe ..


introduce my self

hello my friend, i will introduce my self ..

My Biodata :

NAME : Yusuf Syafril Fauzi
TTL : Banyumas,15 juni 1994
NICK NAME : ipat
hobby : olahraga,musik
band favorite : avenged sevenfold
lecture : politeknik telkom bandung
Vocational High school : smk telkom sandhy putra purwokerto
Senior high school : smpn 9 urwokerto
Junior high school : sdn 2 sokanegara

I thing that’s enough thanks for all ..

procedure text

How to Make mendoan !


Mendoan is special food from Purwokerto. Mendoan derived from a word “mendo” it meaning is half-fiedget. So easy how to make mendoan, you need some materials to make it.

The materials you must be prepared are :

  1. Tempe 300gr, slices tempe to thin
  2. 2 green union
  3. 100gr ricefrour
  4. One spoon for wheat flour
  5. 125ml water
  6. Oil to fry mendoan
  7. Garlic and red onion
  8. One spoon for coriender
  9. Half spoon for papper
  10. Two spoon for salt

First, mix wheat flour and riceflour, put the marinade also sliced a delicated stem union leaves. Stir until evenly distributed, after that dip chunks of tempe into oil that has been heated until all dough is coveres temper. Fry the tempe mendoan until the flour looks yellowish. Once cooked, lift it and then drain.

Mendoan is ready served !

Descriptive text


SMK Telkom sp is the best vocational high school in central java because us gets highest average score for national exam in central java. In here has 3 study program, it is computer networking,  software engineering and fixed phone access. But I thing computer networking is the great one in smk Telkom.

In computer networking has 2 class and 75 student, in software engineer has too 2 class and 75 student also but in fixed phone access has 3 class and has 115 student. Smk Telkom sandhy putra its only 5 in Indonesia. In java has 3 school, in Sumatra,Kalimantan and makasar only one.  SMK Telkom sandhy putra is at D.I Panjahitan street no.128 Purwokerto, C entral Java.

Recount text

Menganti Beach

Tour to menganti beach is unforgettable experience in life. Why ? because many thing I’ve been through. one of them it is you must passed 2 high hill. Im started from my house at 10.30 am and up to menganti beach at 1 pm o’clock. Not to far menganti beach from my house, maybe 80km. but I feel so tired because broken road.

But after I am arrive in menganti beach all bad feeling is gone. Because the scenery at manganti beach is very beautiful. The blue sea, white of sand, and corals stil natural, make that beach so beautiful. Not many people know that beach, I hope  the naturally of those beach always keep.


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